6 products

Sirloin Joints

More Information on Joint of Sirloin

At Tom Hixson, we pride ourselves on offering a diverse range of succulent sirloin roasting joints. From Black Label Argentine Sirloin to our highly marbled Black Onyx Grain Fed Sirloin, there are joints available for all preferences. If you’re looking for something a little more festive, try our Hereford Sirloin, this luxurious joint is super tender and succulent, with a striking depth of flavour.

If you’re looking for high-quality beef delivery direct to your door, look no further than Tom Hixson of Smithfield. We source quality cuts from across the globe, which are butchered by our award-winning team. With a service of over 50 years, Tom Hixson of Smithfield has become a well-established brand that offers only the finest meat with unrivalled quality.


Sirloin Joint FAQs

What Cut is a Sirloin Joint?

Sirloin joints come from the hindquarter and the lower portion of the cow's ribs, The sirloin sits just above the fillet and is usually cut into sirloin steaks, but a joint is kept whole for roasting. The joint yields a rich, beefy flavour, which is great for slow cooking.


Can you BBQ a Sirloin Joint?

Our Aberdeen Angus Sirloin is an excellent joint for BBQing. This select breed has sublime texture and great flavours, which are enhanced during the slow cooking process. Before the cooking begins, get creative with your favourite bbq seasonings, such as garlic or paprika.

First, sear your joint of sirloin on high heat for a couple of minutes on each side, to seal in the juices. To finish cooking the meat, stay low and slow, and avoid direct heat. BBQ the meat until the internal temperature reaches 60° for a tasty medium doneness.


How Should You Roast a Sirloin Joint?

Before roasting your joint of sirloin, pat dry and allow the cut to get to room temperature. While you preheat your oven to 180°, season the meat with salt, pepper, and your favourite fresh herbs. Roast your joint for 30 minutes before reducing your temperature to 160° for a further 45 minutes, or until the internal temperature reaches 60-70° for medium-rare.


Is Sirloin Roast Fatty?

A sirloin roasting joint generally has less fat content than other cuts such as a ribeye. However, the meat has natural fat content running throughout the joint, which means that it will stay moist and succulent throughout the roasting process.