Origin: Raised in between the meadows of Salamanca and the mountains of Leon in Spain. These surroundings offer a tranquil lifestyle for the herd.
Farmer: Miguel Vergara. Their process is considered the highest standard in animal welfare, with comfortable conditions specifically created to maximize development of the colour, juiciness and intra-muscular fat.
Breed: Aberdeen Angus. A tranquil and docile temper are the personality features of this breed, that give its meat a unique flavour and texture. These attributes, alongside the special breeding of the animals under strict parameters that guarantee its welfare, allow the greatest kitchens to enjoy this superior Spanish beef.
Diet: 300 day grain fed. Mixing top-quality cereals, legumes, oils (mainly soybeans) and straw to provide a balanced diet adjusted to the needs of each phase of growth.
Butcher's note: We have not seen marbling like this in Angus beef before. It is sensational and will be the talk of the table at any dinner party.